
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Visual Journal

I am pretty good at filtering through fun crafts, art techniques, and sewing crafts.  It is kind of hard when you have a wide range of interests.  There is definitely not enough time to do them all regularly.

My latest interest is in creating a visual or art journal.  I have watched a lot of videos on the subject, looked at a lot of pictures of journal pages, and I have finally prepped my own visual art journal!

Many people will take an old hard back book and use that.  I had a book that I was getting rid of, so instead I held onto it until I was ready to start my journal.  I began by tearing out 40% of the pages.  This is necessary, because as you journal, you will most likely add things into it, adding thickness.  Not to mention that would just be way too many pages to have to journal.  I counted 10 pages folding them over, then tore out the next 10... and so on throughout the whole book.  Then I tore off the cover liner.  It was a plastic type of material making up its cover art, so once I cut into the edge of the hard cover, it peeled off quite easily.  

This is what it looks like after that step.

Then I glued every two pages together in order to create a thicker sturdier page to paint and craft on.  

The theme that I chose for my visual journal is along the lines of tender mercies of being a mother.
I have a lot of material to go with this theme, so it seemed like a given!

I finally got my first page spread done!  I'm excited!  Have a looksie!

Here is the full spread together.

This whole process was a lot of fun, and I'm looking forward to more creations!

This post was for Kendra, my sister, so she could see my progress.


  1. Good job, you nailed it! How did you do the pictures of the kids? Did you freehand them?

  2. p.s. where did you get your stencils?

  3. I wish they were free hand! I'm not that good! In fact, I really botched Kenson's face. In Picassa, I edited the pictures to be sketches. But they didn't print off the details, so I had to go in the best I could and fill them in. I'd like to be that good. I need a lot more practice though.

    The stencils I made! At Hobby Lobby, you can buy stencil plastic sheets. I made the patterns/designs in word, printed them off and cut them out with an exacto knife. It was kind of fun! Now I just need to practice using them. I have so many ideas. I'm going to get some spakle to use in my journals (I saw a really cool idea), I want to buy some inks so I can make some sprays. And the red lettering, I used a paint marker. Those are fun! I plan on buying some more of those in different colors. It takes time to stock up on all those goodies!


Thanks for reading! If you have any homeschool goodies to share, feel free! I love comments! So keep them coming!