This is how us girls started the day. Hovered over steaming bowl of water, with a few drops of peppermint oil. A good way to clear out those sinuses. |
Today, more than half of us woke up sick. A cold has been threatening us all week long. Big T was the first to get it, then Baby K, then Little H, then Hoss.....and this morning, I woke up with it. I've been sneezing all day and have the worst sinus pressure. Not to mention the aches and fatigue coming on. Ick. I hate being sick. So today was one of those lounge around kind of days. I'm so grateful that I got the dishes done last night. It would have made today frustrating.
I took the opportunity to edit some photos, and create some blog posts. I've had a bunch of
things to write about all week long, and I just haven't had a lot of time to put them together. Now, I'm a few days ahead!
things to write about all week long, and I just haven't had a lot of time to put them together. Now, I'm a few days ahead!
So since we are recouping, the only thing that we did today was go to the store to buy some more water, and a few ingredients for an experimental recipe that I'm hoping to use for the Activity Day activity next week! (I don't think I mentioned it before. But I am now the Co-Activity Day leader!). I'm sure you'll see that next week some time. I thought that I'd share with you what we did yesterday!
Yesterday was a nice mild day. I think it reached just over 70 degrees. So it was perfect weather to head to the park for a picnic! But before we left, we worked on our lapbooks. We are studying The Creation, and all of the wonders involved. The Solar System...the animals, the physics, and The Plan of Salvation!
On day 1, God divided the light from the dark. This made me think of a video that I had watched a few weeks earlier. A Mormon Message. It fit in perfectly. Elder David A. Bednar talks about light and darkness. He mentioned that when a room is completely dark, the light can be turned on pushing out every inch of the dark. Light and dark cannot co-inhabit the same space.
I then thought about oil and water. The two cannot mix together. They will always separate. So we discussed the science behind that. Then I filled a glass jar with the water and oil and had Little H mix it. Then Big T mixed in another glass jar water and salt. We watched as the water and salt dissolved, and yet the water and oil stayed separated. We discussed the spiritual meaning, and the scientific meaning of it all. It was a fun activity, and I think it helped the girls get a better understanding of what it means to divide the light from the dark. For the first time, Little H didn't want to stop! She is usually the first to call it quits! But unfortunately, lunch came on, and Baby K desperately needed to get out of the house!
We headed to the store for a few grocery items, then after that, it was to the park for a picnic and play time. This time, we headed to a different park. Apparently, people call it the lake.... it has a small pond to walk around. I don't know where they get the title lake. Whatever works! It was a great choice, because we could appreciate each one of God's marvelous creations in one setting! (ok, not all of the animals and plants...but some animals, and some plants!).
I took the opportunity to take some pictures of the kids. Most weren't really interested as they just wanted to play. I don't blame them!
Big T wasn't too into it this time. I think she was still feeling a bit under the weather.
Little H caught a couple of very cute poses! She's growing up so fast!
It was hard to get a shot of Baby K holding still. I was surprised to find this cute and decent shot.
I made this collage of all of the "off" shots I got of Baby K. He doesn't like to stop for trifling little things like getting his picture taken....and Little H with that feather! She kept putting it right in Big T's face! :)
Ah! Got it! If only Big T was looking a little bit more around Baby K!
Today, Baby K bought a little toy train from Thomas and Friends: Percy. I may have created a monster. He wouldn't let it out of his sight! Even to sleep! He loves it! And I even wrote his name on the back of it, and he loves that too! :)
When he sees a train, he yells, "Tee tee! Tee tee!" Which translates to "Choo choo! Choo choo!"
I think I know what he will be getting for his birthday and Christmas. Trains!
I hope you all are evading the infamous fall cold and flu.
I expect we'll be better by the start of the new week!
Stay warm!
Cool pics and video! Sorry you have all been sick! Your lake looks pretty!
Grandma Kathy
Thanks! It is a nice little pond. I'd hardly classify it as a lake. As far as I'm aware, there isn't any major streams or rivers that feed it. I'm positive it is man made. But people fish there and we have seen a few rafts with sales on it. Its a fun place to go...and to be able to be there in just a few minutes is nice too!