Monday, December 27, 2010

An Update from the Roswell Public Library

Okay, I am not at all affiliated with the public library.  I just wanted to title my post like that for fun, since our internet won't be back up for another 2 weeks, leaving me to utilize the free wi-fi at the library.

We had a great Christmas!  It was so wonderful to be together.  We woke up Christmas day, opened presents, and then took a nap!  We got invited to go to the Church to play volleyball with a few families in the ward, so of course, that was hard to pass up.  After about 2 hours of playing, I became extremely tuckered out, and have been sore ever since.  It had been over 1 year since I played (before we moved here).  I have missed it, and it shows on my skill level!  I look forward to getting involved, somehow, with some volleyball players once the baby is born.

Now that Christmas is over, a new excitement begins.  We officially get to start preparing for baby!  Ha!  Nothing like the last minute right?  We do have a few supplies of blankets and the burp clothes that I made for the baby, but now comes the real prep.  Furniture, clothes, diapers, wipes, and so much more.  It is fun, and we look forward to it!

So here comes my interaction question.  Our house is tiny.  Any of you who have been there, understand what I am talking about.  We have two bedrooms, so Baby K will be sharing a room with his two big sisters, until we wind up moving on to a bigger and better house (believe me, it will be a while--we have the opportunity to pay down a lot of debt with the rent payment that we pay).

We need to become seriously more organized.  I thrive on an organized atmosphere, but it rarely is as organized as I would like it.  How do you organize things in a tight space?  We have plenty of storage cupboards and spaces, we just need to utilize them a bit better.  Do you know of any organization websites?  Anything that will help at all?  I suppose this is the direction that my nesting is taking!  I look forward to hearing from you!

Happy New Year to you all, if I do not "see" you before then!

1 comment:

  1. More storage shelves?
    Keep things organized, as in each item has its own place.
    Whitney has become quite profiecient on this subject, I believe.


Thanks for reading! If you have any homeschool goodies to share, feel free! I love comments! So keep them coming!